Let us envision a Washington State where each one of us is more than just a resident - we are active stewards of our incredible environment. A place where every individual is part of a united team, collaboratively molding a greener future. As a state, we are leading the charge towards hydrogen technology and, at a breathtaking view, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. We're creating green jobs to stimulate economic growth, safeguarding our local marine life and fish populations, and ensuring their prosperity for generations to come. Collectively, we're shaping a sustainable future for all Washingtonians - a future where our children can breathe clean air, drink pure water, and revel in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

  • Attract investors for an agile waste recycling program.

  • Transition from fossil fuels to electric, clean, renewable, green energy solutions, solar panels, wind energy, and electric and hydroelectric power, reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources. Propel the mindset of guardianship. Everyone has a role, a duty, and a responsibility—ensure the workforce is ready!

  • Eliminate diesel ferries and upgrade to hybrid.

  • Lead by example; convert government fleet to clean power.

  • Advance research for engineering innovation, effectively utilizing the abundant resource of rainwater by capturing and storing it for future reuse.

  • Clean air and water are fundamental human needs for all communities, sign it into law.

  • Advanced innovative recycling technology initiative to repurpose food, plastic, wood, and metals.

  • Reject the conservation and preservation philosophies of George Grinnell and Madison Grant and advocate for modern and real-lived experiences; increased public awareness concerning their scientific beliefs that influenced the development of National Parks, which today are counterproductive to a sustainable future.

  • Generate green jobs to drive economic growth and boost opportunities for citizens, asylum seekers, and visa holders to contribute to our environmental goals.

  • No more new drillings Expand agree to Prevent offshore oil and gas drilling to protect our marine ecosystems.

Protection of the Environment: 

  • Safeguard our breathtaking coasts, lush forests, pristine rivers, and towering mountain peaks.

  •  Commitment to safeguard natural treasures for the generations to come.

Promotion of Environmental Innovation and Sustainability:

  • Prevent offshore oil and gas drilling to protect our marine ecosystems.

  • Meet the growing demand for locally processed recycled products, a critical step towards a circular economy.

Enhancement of Research and Improvement:

  • Improving recycled products' quality, making them more desirable than their non-recycled counterparts.

  • Believing in the potential of science and technology to drive environmental progress.

Stimulation of Demand:

  • Establish long-term contracts between suppliers and purchasers for recycled products, ensuring a steady market for environmentally friendly products.  

Increase in Recycling Clarity and Accessibility:

  • Committed to ensuring clarity of recycling symbols and eliminating barriers to the cost-competitive production of recycled goods, making it easier for everyone to participate in stewardship.

Comprehensive Waste Management:

  • Implement comprehensive waste reduction plans and strive to reduce landfill usage, thereby minimizing our impact on the natural environment.

Green Job Creation:

  • Generate green jobs to drive economic growth and provide opportunities for our citizens to contribute to our environmental goals.

Transition to Clean Energy:

  • Transitioning from fossil fuels to electric, clean, renewable energy reduces our dependence on non-renewable resources.

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change is one of the most significant challenges of our time.

Preservation of Marine Life:

  • Prioritize protecting local marine life and fish populations, recognizing their importance to our ecosystems and economy.

Proactive Climate Action against Climate Change

  • Committed to actively combating climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and transitioning to renewable energy—a triple approach to a greener future.

Guarantee of Clean Air and Water:

  • Clean air and water are fundamental human needs for all communities, and we will work tirelessly to guarantee your needs are met.

Advocacy for Green Energy Solutions:

  • Promote green energy solutions such as solar panels, wind energy, electric, and hydroelectric power, leading the way in renewable energy use.

Pioneering in Hydrogen Technology:

  • Pioneering in hydrogen technology for environmental and economic benefits, positioning Washington State at the forefront of clean energy innovation.


