As a collective, we stand against the biological engineering or genetic modification of organisms (GMOs) when it does not serve the well-being of life or health. We resist any indirect or direct manipulation techniques behind lab studies that alter RNA and DNA in the human body. Especially without a prescription from a physician and lacking medical, dental, or clinical approval from the patient's assigned doctor. Any actions contrary to the best interests of our community should not be tolerated, and any entity engaging in unauthorized experimentation domestically or internationally should be held accountable. 

We are committed advocates for the safety of our food supply, supporting farmers, small businesses, and retailers who oppose GMOs and toxic fertilizers. We acknowledge the importance of the health of our land, animals, and plants and are aware of the potential risks that artificial genetic manipulation may pose to human health. Transitioning towards clear regulations, comprehensive testing, and vigilant monitoring is essential for protecting our community from potential harm caused by GMOs.

  • Sign executive order for food sovereignty for Washington. 

  • Make available funding and programs that safeguard the livelihood of Washington farmers.

  • Advance bipartisanship legislation to advance food production technology, increase jobs and responsibility, and empower rural communities toward a sustainable Washington.

  • Promote the local kitchen entrepreneurship initiatives; evolve local grocery production to meet the needs of a Washington sustainable food market.

  • Increase student exposure to agriculture education and programs.

  • Make available a budget that guarantees food safety, protection, and quality and guards against contamination and diseases. 

  • Initiative for advanced food recycling to produce safe animal feed and supply.

  • Invest and support animal veterinarians, local farmers, and retailers through favorable policies and initiatives.

  • Improve safety testing and monitoring procedures of GMOs and bio-engineered substances before they can be used or consumed.

  • Advance bipartisan legislation to safeguard and educate all citizens on the potential risks of GMOs and bioengineered substances, irrespective of age, health, or socioeconomic status.

  • Expand preventative measures to safeguard plants, animals, and food against contamination and disease, including human threats to our food supply.

  • Enforce transparency in food labeling to enable informed consumer decisions.

  • Attract investors for a Veteran research program.

  • Advance bipartisan legislation. Implement regulations on GMO usage. Allocate funding for thorough testing of food, plants, and animals and advanced laboratory systems for biological and genetic disease testing from foods. Promote research on the changes in human DNA and RNA. Increase transparency and efforts to prevent food contamination and disease. 

Food Safety and Protection: We are dedicated to championing practices that guarantee the safety and quality of our shared food supply and tirelessly working to prevent contamination and disease. We stand firm in our commitment to protecting all individuals from the indiscriminate harmful effects of GMOs, bioengineered chemicals, and substances, irrespective of age, health status, or socioeconomic background.

Regarding food waste and overproduction, we recognize the imbalance in our food systems, where we often produce more than we consume. We are committed to finding sustainable solutions to this issue, including advocating for recycling initiatives and food donations.

We stand in solidarity with our local farmers and retailers, acknowledging their critical role in our food supply chain. We pledge to support their efforts in providing safe, high-quality food to our communities, reinforcing the importance of local, sustainable, and ethical food production in our political agenda.


