As Washingtonians, we recognize the importance of lifelong learning and the safety and well-being of our children. Our goal is to modernize our education system, including the infrastructure of our schools, to ensure our state advances and keeps pace with the global community. Education is our top priority, as we acknowledge its transformative power as an essential tool for personal development and societal growth. We believe in providing unparalleled access to quality primary education, integrated with early childhood socialization, for all students beginning at 3 years old. 

Early childhood socialization is a beautiful journey that our children embark on, a journey where they absorb and understand the values, beliefs, and behaviors that help them become active, positive members of our community. It's not merely about fitting in; it's a heartfelt process of learning to appreciate the skills and habits that enable them to contribute effectively and meaningfully to society. As parents, undertaking this precious journey helps our children find their unique place in the vast world and promotes stability and continuity in our communities. Through socialization, our little ones learn to navigate the complexities of smaller groups within the larger society, fostering lifelong learning, promoting good behavior, and understanding the diversity of individuals. It's an essential part of their growth, helping them bloom into well-rounded individuals who contribute to a more understanding, compassionate world.

We recognize the importance of affordable higher education and aim to make college affordable and more accessible for all students by expanding grants, tuition assistance, and financial aid programs. Our shared vision is to provide a comprehensive education that equips students with the knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of the 21st century successfully and without the heavy burden of indebtedness.

We are committed to addressing the achievement gap and ensuring that all students, irrespective of their background or circumstances, have an exceptional opportunity to succeed. By working together, we can ensure that every child reaches their full potential and makes a valuable contribution to our society.

  • Encourage and fund retired teachers to rejoin the workforce while receiving their retirement benefits.

  • Advocate to reduce student loans by half.

  • Support initiatives that close school district funding gaps, lower the cost of higher education, and expand partnerships to streamline accreditation.

  • Make it a right, establish criteria, and push for two-year paid paternity.

  • Modernize our education system with the modern world; attract investors and grants to ensure high school graduates walk across the stage with a skill certificate and diploma—they must be workforce-ready!

  • Grant General Education Diploma (GED) programs and pay Washingtonians while they study for their GED. 

  • Increase public conscientiousness concerning the potential dangers of aversion therapy, hypnotherapy, known science, and human behavior psychology, and possible biases of academic psychologists advanced through scientific technology into Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs).

  • Support the Washington Education Association and Washington State School Retirees Association and allocate funding for action-based research programs centered on agile-driven methodology. 

  • Ensure schools are collaboratively designed and built as community elements, aligning with infrastructure goals and the 2050 initiative.

  • Promote early childhood socialization legislation for a comprehensive curriculum of cognitive development and physical, mental, and social well-being.

  • Advocate the early childhood socialization program, bolster the workforce of qualified child development professionals, and foster a positive learning environment.

  • Ensure that all children aged 3-8 can access unequivocal and high-principled early childhood socialization. Incorporate the whole community concept, international students, and asylum seekers into the program, breaking the barrier wall down on stereotypes and biases at an early age.
    Fund vocational training programs and apprenticeships aligned with the presidential Agenda 2050 initiative to serve high school students and graduates, the elderly, veterans, and the disabled community, including international students and asylum seekers. 

  • Empower the Washington State School Retiree Association to develop a standardized curriculum for early childhood socialization. 

Unequivocal Access to Quality Education: We believe in ensuring that every child in Washington receives a high-quality education, from early childhood through higher education, to prepare them for success in an ever-changing world. We are committed to implementing strategies that support underperforming schools, provide additional resources for students with special needs, reduce school disparities, and offer resources for students and teachers.

Broadening Access to Higher Education: Together, we will expand access to affordable higher education and vocational training opportunities for all Washingtonians by expanding financial aid and grant programs, increasing partnerships with community colleges, and promoting global workforce development initiatives.

Preparation for the 21st Century: We understand the importance of providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the 21st century's challenges. This includes promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education, investing in arts and music programs, and expanding access to innovative social activities.

Championing Knowledge Production and Research: We advocate for the perspectives of various demographics and strive to incorporate their essential viewpoints into the decision-making process. We commit to conducting exhaustive research, engaging in comprehensive studies, and facilitating inclusive knowledge production that reflects the experiences and insights of progress.

Modernizing School Infrastructure: Life transitions, like moving to a new community or starting a new job, while stressful, represent opportunities for personal growth. As your future leadership, we're excited to champion the transformation of our school infrastructures, aligning them with the latest community infrastructure engineering concepts. By doing so, we can offer families and teachers the power to choose locations and styles that suit their needs, including inclusive, safe, and secure living. Let's create an education system that grows with our community and aligns with clean energy objectives.
